Sakura Sky

Migrating from Heroku to Google Cloud Platform

Migrating from Heroku to Google Cloud Platform

Interested in learning about migrating from Heroku to GCP and the benefits of doing so? Please join Sakura Sky for best practices and hands on learning for Heroku to GCP migrations!


  • Create and scale a GKE cluster, Build a Docker image, Deploy the app to GKE
  • Scale the app on GKE
  • Security Basics
  • CI/CD Pipelines with Kubernetes – how to deploy code in a team environment



  • Why Move to GCP
  • Driving Factors – planning a migration, sizing, etc, migrating tips
  • Components of GCP and Getting Started.

Getting started with gcloud SDK

  • Exploring Cloud Shell
  • Migrating your data – How to migrate a database into Cloud SQL
  • Cloud SQL

Creating a cloud database

  • Securing your database
  • Migrate data from Heroku
  • Google Cloud Storage

Ruby hands on: Create a bucket, Upload objects, Download objects

  • Picking the right storage class
  • Migrating your app – I plan to demonstrate App Engine and GKE based application deployments. There is a stronger focus on GKE.
  • Moving to App Engine:

App Engine Architectures – Best Practice App Engine

  • Hands on Lab: Transitioning a Rails app to App Engine
  • Objectives: app.yaml, Creating a Dockerfile, Deploy your application

Moving to GKE

  • GKE Architectures – Bet Practice GKE
  • Dyno to GKE node sizing – Converting a Heroku Dyno to a GKE instance
  • Hands On Lab: Migrating to a GKE Cluster


Date And Time

  • Mon, May 20, 2019
  • 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT

This course has now become part of the Sakura training schedule and is delivered frequently. Contact us for upcoming dates and times.


Google, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94105